EEMUA is an international membership organisation. Our members’ activities span the globe; the Association will continue to work on behalf of all our members, aiming to improve the safety, environmental and operating performance of their industrial facilities in the most cost-effective way.

EEMUA makes no comment on the political or commercial issues behind Brexit; we are a body which deals with the engineering issues of running industrial assets. From this standpoint, the three key concerns of our member sites are:
  • Continuity of operation. On the day after Brexit, sites should be able to operate with the same equipment in place which they had the day before. Critical components which have been assessed to international standards should still be able to be used, performing the function that they have been designed to do.  
  • Continuity of regulation. Currently, sites across the European Union operate according to local regulations derived from European Directives. Since these regulations are in national laws this situation will not change. EEMUA expects the rules governing site operations to be clear and consistent. Our own guidance provides industry and regulator accepted good practice for operation across a range of disciplines, and across national boundaries. We would expect it to provide a good basis for ensuring a common level of competence, both before and after Brexit. Operating procedures in place at member sites are aimed at ensuring safety of staff, the public, and the environment. There should be no requirement to suddenly change established processes.
  • Continuity of supply. We would expect that after Brexit the security of utility services – power supply, gas supply, water supply – to sites would be guaranteed.  
EEMUA will continue to listen to its membership within the UK, the EU27, and across the world, and will work with them to ensure the potential impacts of decisions taken on the user community are understood.
EEMUA Statement on Brexit