New appointment to EEMUA Board

New EEMUA Board appointment - Megan Backhouse
EEMUA is pleased to announce the appointment of Megan Backhouse from BOC UK & Ireland to its Board of Directors as a non-executive director. 

The Board provides leadership for carrying out the aims and objectives of the Association. 

Megan was the EEMUA Early Years Industry Award Winner in 2022 and since then has been involved with several of EEMUA’s working groups and in other areas of activity. 

Commenting on her appointment Megan said: “In my time on the Board of Directors I want to encourage member engagement in EEMUA, focusing on those in the early years of their career and the benefits this engagement can provide for the individuals and their companies”. 

She continued: “EEMUA has driven me to realise my potential since winning the Early Years Industry Award both through involvement in EEMUA working groups and in my day-to-day job. This inspired me to pursue a position on the Board through which I can have an impact and hopefully help others at the beginning of their engineering careers to achieve their potential”.