Alvance British Aluminium has become the latest company to join EEMUA as a Corporate Member.

Alvance British Aluminium serves the UK and international market with semi-finished aluminium. The company’s Lochaber Smelter located in Fort William, Scotland, is Britain’s only aluminium smelter.

Lochaber is a top-tier COMAH* site and the sharing of good practice, engineering experiences and expertise afforded by involvement in EEMUA will help support the company in the safe, efficient and compliant operation of the facilities on site.

Fraser Douglas, Controls and Automation Engineer at Alvance, commented: “We are excited to become a member of EEMUA and to take advantage of the membership benefits, including discounts for training and free access to publications, and to be involved in the technical forums and committees for the sharing of best engineering practices”.

EEMUA Corporate Membership is open to companies that own and/or operate industrial facilities or that are significant purchasers or users of engineering equipment and materials. To find out more on the benefits of membership, click here or contact

* Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations